Friday, July 11, 2014

When The Tim's Away ... The Team Will Play!

Good morning! Just a quick recap of yesterday's happenings...

Tim left for Gorey to hang out and spend time with the other team, so the Greystones crew ventured on without him. However, in holding back many tears, a great day was had by all!

It was yet again a blessed sunny day, and the outreach team consisted of our amazing leader Anne, as well as Stephen, Josh and Heidi.

At the drop-in, the teens challenged themselves to step out of their comfort zone and began to initiate more intentional conversations about their faith in Christ.

Stephen Byford yet again blew us away, not only with his great hospitality, but with his phenomenal culinary skills. He made us a rice and chili dish which was beyond delicious.

We ended our day with "chips" (fries) from the local chipper and a big game of "Fishbowl."

Below is a video starring Heidi and Rooster Earl. You should watch it.

Over and Out.



  1. Go get him Heidi! The rooster is officially part of your team. Is he cleaning toilets also? Maybe you should bring him home as he will probably do a better job than I do getting you up in the morning. Love this blog and so proud of all that you and the teams are doing. Peace and continued success in your faithful journey. Love you more than the stars...Heidi.

  2. Sounds like you are all making a difference. That's great. Praying for you and God's blessings on your time there.

    Stephen...thinking of you. Got your voicemail on Sunday. Phone was in my pocket but didn't ring. Oh well. Enjoying our time with Ben. Love you. See ya soon. Dad.
