Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Philippians 3:14

What a great day in Greystones!

During a slow afternoon session at the drop-in, we spent some time in prayer seeking God's plan for the rest of our trip. When we arrived back at the Naz for the evening session, God once again proved himself faithful. We saw dozens of new faces walk through the door, and it was so encouraging to see your teens building relationships and having meaningful conversations over card games, ping-pong, soccer and tie-dye. We even enjoyed a visit from the Kilkenny Rock crew (Dougie, Conor, Kaddl, Paddy and James) while Tim spent the day with the Gorey team.

Check out the photos below to see your amazing teenagers at work! Please pray for extra strength and energy as we've decided to run the drop-in for an extra hour each evening this week because of the CSSM schedule (see previous post).

Love and miss you all!
The Greystones Leadership Team

1 comment:

  1. We certainly will pray for strength, energy and that you finish strong in what you started. We know that God is faithful and know that your work is honoring Him. Your commitment is changing lives, both today and for years to come. Each person you touch will have a ripple effect to family, friends and the community. May God continue to richly bless you and pour out His spirit on your work. Josh we have lots of hugs waiting for you at home and some new chores (toilet cleaning, cooking and cleaning). The Cove rules!!!
